Day 81: Setting Unrealistic Goals!


When I into a full-blooded 84-day physique transformation (first time in 12 years!) I have never “stood down” from a goal I set myself on Day 1…until today.

Over the course of my previous Missions back in the late 2000’s I set a few outrageous goals like putting my six-pack to a public vote on Mission 2 Judgement Day (with a pre-paid trip to Phuket on the line!). Or come to think of it, maybe releasing a book,  starting a forum, running a body transformation contest and scheduling a meet-up in New York, all at the same time was more outrageous!

However, the goals I set during those times had validity because I built upon each one incrementally, with the knowledge that if I apply myself day-in-day-out they can be achieved. I had gained a level of experience in setting ambitious but achievable goals over the course of 1000 days.

This time around I was out of touch with what could actually be achieved in 84 days when I start 100 pounds overweight! I am specifically talking about my part one of Mission 1 (2021) Challenge of running 5km in under 30 minutes. This will not be happening on Day 84 and most likely won’t happen for a while yet, and that is okay.

So, how did I come to set such an unrealistic goal? Well, I essentially plucked the goal out of thin air! The only basis I had for picking this goal was the fact I used to run 5km in 25 minutes. The fact that I was around 50 KG lighter and 12 years younger seemed to escape my cognitive processes!

In spite of this I am still extremely happy with my progress this Mission. I started on Day 1 running at an average pace 10:05 per/km and will finish in the range of 7:45 per/km. Over a 5km run that is an 11:40 iprovement over the course of 12 weeks. Actually, just being able to run 5km without stopping (which I did on Day 78) is something I’m ecstatic about!

So, the upshot of all this is I will do both challenges on Judgement Day with the knowledge that my 5km run will be around the 38 minute mark and my swim will be around the 9:50 mark (yay!). I will mark one as a loss and one as a win and resolve to set smarter goals moving forward!

Until tomorrow,


Day 81 of 365 – Oct 29, 2021

Mission 1: Day 81 of 84

* Four 84-Day Missions To Be Completed in 365 Days
(Aug 10, 2021 to Aug 9, 2022)

RTP Module



1) Mindset (My Stand)


2) Motivation (PRW’s)


3) Goals (Visualisation)


4) Accountability (Scales)


5) Physique
  – Daily Acc. Picture (3 pts)
  – Training Complete? (Rest)


6) Nutrition
  – Food Daily Picture (2 pts)
  – Drink Daily Picture (1 pt)


7) Real Time Wildcard
  – Minimum Steps 10k


Daily Accountability Score



Cumulative Acc. Score



Cume. Acc. Percent Score



Real Time Accountability/Proof of Work

Mission 1: Day 81 of 84 – Oct 29, 2021


10K Steps (Y/N)

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