Day 271: Gold At The Byron Bay Triathlon!


My first Gold Medal! Turns out after completing the Byron Bay Triathlon yesterday was the top placed bloke in the 45-49 category for the “Tempta” Tri (300m swim, 10km bike, 2km run). 

“Tempa” Tri gold medal!

This is pretty amazing especially when I think back to one year ago when I used to come down to Byron Bay. It is such a beautiful place down here, on any given weekend you’ll see people from all over South East Queensland coming down for a surf, a windsurf, a swim or maybe just to lay on the beach!

Byron Bay Main Beach

Here’s the thing, when I used to come down I barely left my car. I would park up along side the beach and just end up watching the people around me do all sorts of activities. The reason I didn’t leave my car is because weighing in at 125kg I barely had enough energy to even go for a walk. I felt much more comfortable staying in my car, having a “footlong Subway” and remaining hidden from the world around me.

As I sat in my car I would often think to myself, “Imagine if I could just get out and go for a walk? A run? Or even a surf? How good would that be?” So, yesterday I came full circle! Not only did I get out of my car, I actually completed a triathlon. When I rebooted my program last year I did have high hopes but I wouldn’t have it thought it was possible to do triathlon before my first year was up!

Onto the triathlon itself, it was a tough one! We started with a “surf swim” which was much more difficult than the “bay swim” at the Gold Coast Tri. Not only were the waves crashing down on us on the way out we also had to contend with a big current sweeping us from right to left. This was right at the edge of my capability as a newbie swimmer!

Once out of the water I hit the bike. This time around our category was right in the thick of the main “Sprint” event. This means I was getting passed a lot by pros and semi pros on their $10,000 bikes! The run was much the same, even though it was only 2km I was passed a lot by these ultra fit guys and gals!

After hitting the finish line Dave and I grabbed a beer and a meal at the cafe across the road. We had a lot to talk about, mainly about how different it was to our first tri, and also planning our next one!

Dave and I at the “Afterparty”!

Until next time (on Day 282 for Mission 4),

Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!


Real Time Accountability Log
Day 271 of 365 – May 7, 2022

Mission 3: Active Recovery Day 6 of 14

RTP Module



1) Mindset (My Stand)


2) Motivation (PRW’s)


3) Goals (Visualisation)


4) Accountability (Scales)


5) Physique
  – Daily Acc. Picture (3 pts)
  – Training Complete? (1 pt)


6) Nutrition
  – Food Daily Picture (2 pts)
  – Drink Daily Picture (1 pt)


7) Real Time Wildcard
  – Minimum Steps 10k


Daily Accountability Score



Cumulative Acc. Score



Cume. Acc. Percent Score



Real Time Accountability – Day 271
Scales/Step Count (Proof of Work)

Mission 3: Active Recovery – May 7, 2022


Step Count/Training

2 thoughts on “Day 271: Gold At The Byron Bay Triathlon!

  1. Thanks Carlos! Yeah mate, thinking back now it might have been more difficult to step out of the car than do the tri (in a very weird way). It was like acknowledging that I need to change and knew the mountain of work ahead of me, but it all starts with one step or action.

    Like when you made the decision to train for (and win) a world title. There was a first rep and set, and workout! One step at a time, one day at a time, etc. There is really no other way it can be done I reckon.

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