Day 732: Closing The Book on Two Years

G’day Shredders,

Welcome to Day 14 of RTP Group Shred 2.0 and Day 732 of this blog.

Wow! How time flies when you are having fun! Today marks 2 full years of (almost) daily blogging with real time accountability pictures! When I think back to November 8, 2006 (Day 1) there is no way I could have predicted I’d still be here 2 years later.

However, as I have said many times, great things are possible when you dig deep and uncover your Powerful Reason Why (PRW), and take massive and immediate action while focusing on the single daily actions that produce results. I believe this to be true in all areas of our lives, not just for physique transformation challenges.

Trust me, once you feel the “rush” that a full blooded physique transformation gives you can’t imagine ever stopping because life just feels too good! You also feel compelled to share your experience and help other people experience the same “rush” and zest for life!

Here are my final pics for Mission 5:

Mission 5: Not All “Peaches & Cream”

To be honest Mission 5 was not all “fun in the sun”….My Mission took an unexpected turn around the midway point that necessitated a swift return to Australia from Japan. While I had originally envisaged a totally different plan for Mission 5 I am proud that I was able to be flexible in my approach and follow through by getting the job done to the absolute best of my ability.

As my fellow Shredders know well “life never stops happening”, especially when you document your journey in real time! If there is one thing I have learned over the last 732 days it is this: Get your “head right” first before undertaking a physique transformation challenge AND know that there will be setbacks and obstacles along the way. At the end of the day it is how you interpret what “happens to you” and your subsequent reactions to these “events” that will determine your success.

Mission 5: South Beach To Surfers – The Verdict

As specified in my Mission 5 Goal Graphic (seen below) originally published on Day 670: Mission 5 Re-calibrated my goal for this Mission was three fold.

In regards to returning to Australia and being with family and friends I can safely say that I achieved this goal! I’d like to say a massive thank you to my family for all your support and encouragement throughout the last 8 years, when I was “off the rails” in Japan and since my return to Oz. It is awesome to be finally back in Oz with you and I look forward to more happy days ahead!

Mission 5: South Beach To Surfers – Final Pics

Without further adieu here are my Mission 5: South Beach to Surfers Final Pics! While it is difficult to be objective about your own results I do believe I did hit the best shape of my life (at age 34!) by finally carving out something that resembles a visible six-pack with increased muscle mass. As a sidenote I now weigh 83 kg’s which is a full 9 kg’s heavier than Mission 1!

My Quad Blaster Is Still In Customs!

Of course I can still see room for improvement, especially in my back and my lower body development. I feel as though I could have made more progress on my quads if I had my Quad Blaster with me for my training over the last 6 weeks, but alas my Blaster is currently in dock at a port in Brisbane awaiting Australian Customs Clearance (along with my computer!)

N.B. For more information on my experience with the Carlos DeJesus Quad Blaster check out my Day 545: Son Of Carlos Post (including progress pics)

Alternatively you can go direct to to order your own Blaster, or if you are an Aussie go to to order an Aussie-made Blaster from my good buddy and fellow Shredder, Mike Groom.

A Special Thank You To Tom, Lilla and Carlos

I’d like to say a massive thank you to Tom Venuto from Burn The Fat and Lilla from The Labrawtory for looking after me while I was in New Jersey and Miami on my pre-Mission 5 trip. Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity, and I look forward to catching up with you again soon!

I’d also like to thank Carlos DeJesus for all his timeless advice and encouragement throughout Mission 5, you are a Champion in every sense of the word mate and I look forward to the day when I can train with you personally at your Wooden Gym!

The RTP Transformation System Report Card

Throughout the last 12 weeks of Mission 5 I “road-tested” the RTP Transformation System in order to see if the mindset, motivation, goal-setting, accountability, training and nutrition principles I had learned over the previous four Missions would stand up in the real world. Of course, I am also a big believer in posting tangible results on a particular program before I promote it to the “outside world”!

Here is my RTP Transformation System 12-Week Report Card which highlights the specific phases of training I undertook.

The RTP Transformation System: A Preview Of What’s To Come!

After 2 years of physique transformation blogging I am pleased to report I will soon release the RTP Transformation System publicly (an actual product!) once I incorporate my Mission 5 experience into the System.

This System has four main components: Inspiration, Information, Application, TRANSFORMATION!

1) Inspiration: My Real Time Account of RTP

This is the real time account of my journey thus far that you can use to hold yourself accountable by checking in daily with the “book” as you progress on your own physique transformation journey. Special emphasis is placed on the “milestone days” and the “challenging days” in order to give you a “real world” perspective on what to expect on your journey.

2) Information: 7-Step RTP Transformation System

This is the “meat” of the RTP Transformation System. The “Information” Component contains the precise 7-Step System I personally use to design and implement my own physique transformation Missions.

This includes getting your “head right” first via the “Mindset” and “Motivation” Modules, as well as “Goal-Setting” and “Daily Accountability” Modules to design and implement your Mission in real time in accordance with your own PRW’s and desires. Of course, included in this Component are precise instructions for nutrition and training.

3) Application: ShredderSphere 2.0 Online Community

This is the exciting part! Once you have gotten your “head right” and designed your Mission using the 7-Step System you then go “real time” at the new ShredderSphere 2.0 Online Community!

This community will be the “Hub” of all online communication between Shredders via Forums and Internal Blogs. Going forward I believe this centralized mechanism will allow us to better communicate and support each other as it is getting increasingly difficult and time consuming to only use the comment feature on our blogs to communicate.

This is also where I will be spending the majority of my time online. I will be more accessible than I am at present and make it my personal mission to personally help as many Shredders as possible inside ShredderSphere 2.0 to make full-blooded physique transformations.

4) TRANSFORMATION! Shredder Council Status and Your Own Time Lapse Video!

Once you have successfully completed your own full-blooded physique transformation I have many special prizes in store for you. Here are a couple I can tell you right now: Your very own time lapse video and Shredder Council Status inside the ShredderSphere 2.0 where you can speak directly to me and other experts, and collaborate on upcoming projects.

A Personal Message For My Fellow Group Shred 2.0 Shredders

Congratulations on completing 14 days of physique transformation blogging and shredding with daily pictures. The support and encouragement you have provided to each other has been awesome to see. It is my sincere desire that you guys continue your real-time physique transformation journey and hit your “dream body and life” as soon as possible!

N.B. In order to keep up the “positive pressure” on you to maintain your Group Shred 2.0 all active Shredders now have pride of place in the RTP Group Shred 2.0 Blog Roll at the top of this site.

As a special request for my fellow Shredders I would very much appreciate if you could make a comment in today’s post about your experience on RTP Group Shred 2.0, your victories, your challenges and your advice for future Group Shredders.

Your “Mystery Prize” Is An “Advance Preview” Of The RTP Transformation System!

In order to continue this momentum from RTP Group Shred 2.0 I have something very special planned for you! You will receive an “advance preview” of the 7-Step RTP Transformation System in it’s entirety before it is publicly released!

Details: One Module will be delivered to you every 5 days (starting tomorrow) via email. There are two reasons why each Module will be delivered every 5 days:

1) To ward off a “state of overwhelm” by focusing on only one Module and the prescribed action steps at a time. This System has been specifically designed to be implemented in an exact 7-Step order.

2) To “help” you maintain your Group Shred 2.0 momentum and continue your real time journey over the next 30 days (those Shredders who follow through with real time accountability over the next 30 days will get an additional bonus that was listed above!).

How To Get Your “Advance Preview” of the RTP Transformation System

In order to gain access to your RTP Transformation System Advance Preview please go to the link listed below and fil out the form. You will then receive Module 1 within 24 hours.

I look forward to hearing your feedback as you go through each Module!

P.S. Now onto planning my RTP Transformation System roll-out and formulating Mission 6! Time to get busy!

Until next time…

Eat Clean, Shred Hard, Think BIG!

Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT

Shredder Pact:

We will focus on the single daily actions that produce results,

We will burn our bridges and not look back,

We will never surrender.




14-Day RTP Group Shred 2.0 Challenge


October 27, 2008 to November 9, 2008


Day 14 of 14: November 9, 2008


Re-activate and initiate a full-blooded physique transformation.

Shredder Agreement:

Daily accountability blogging with pictures for 14 consecutive days.

Shredder Count:

Participating Shredders: 19

Completion Prizes:

1) Access To RTP Store for 24 hours on Nov 10, 2008 at “cost price”.

2) “Mystery Prize” that has been a long time in the making!


Suzette: Quest For Success Blog

Debbie: Can We Talk Blog

Lilla: The Labrawtory

Lynda: 130 On My Way Blog

Christy: You Are Enough Blog

Diane: 1-2-3 Fat Loss Solution Blog

Angie: What Goes In Must Come Out

Danny: Physique Improvement Blog

JK: I’ll Show Them

Juli’s Run Wild Blog

Mark: The Journey To 185

Andrew: Project Ripped

Ron: My Transformation

Jason: KS Fire Fighter

Brian: Re-Mastered Physique

Shari: Fit At Fifty

Jay: Return To Form

Nick: Project Shred

Derek: 90 Day Body

Until tomorrow…

Eat Clean, Shred Hard, Think BIG!


Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT


  1. Comment by Mark on November 10, 2008 4:45 pmGreat stuff, Adam.My thoughts on the Group Shred? Well, it completely refocussed my mind on what was important: daily goals, focusing on a positive mindset, and looking at how the choices I made each day impact my transformation.My only advice will be to not worry about stumbling, but just keep moving forward, and keeping the endgame at the front of your thoughts.
  2. Comment by Nick on November 10, 2008 5:07 pmHey Adam,Left a comment on the form to get the RTP System, but will recap… I had a great time doing this group challenge, and have not felt so motivated and supported in a long time! Its something I don’t get from my family (we’re italian and encouraged to ‘eat, eat, EAT!!’). Its something that I need and the community here has been great.I’ve also learned alot about how my body responds to variances in nutrition and how much of an impact it really can have. Setting goals and targets will be something I use forever!Hope everyone’s had as much fun as I have
  3. Comment by Suzette on November 10, 2008 5:10 pmAdam, you have surely met your goal for mission 5! You’re looking so awesome! While some days seemed to drag on, looking back they really have just flown by!I think the most important thing I have learned and not just from the past 14 days, is that no matter what, never give up! Things do cause us to get distracted and we lose site of the end goal sometimes…but if you keep coming back and do the things we know to do then progress is only inevitable. I can attest to this personally! Just look at my day 14 comparison vs. last year day 14 of group shred.My advice is this, “start your journey and then never give up!”I am very excited about your RTP Transformation System! and the new shreddersphere 2.0 community!
  4. Comment by Ron on November 10, 2008 5:32 pmCongratulations on completing your Mission 5, Adam! You’ve definitely added muscle while keeping your abs!Joining the Group Shred 2.0 has been good for me as it has allowed to be more inspired by seeing many other people get fired up too!The challenge for me really at this time is to be able to find out what works for me now that I have changed mode from fat loss to muscle gain, and to be much more patient with it knowing that muscle gain takes place at a slower, and less visible rate.I’m excited to learn more about your RTP system in the coming weeks, and see how you yourself bulked up and still looked ripped!
  5. Comment by Adam Waters on November 10, 2008 9:57 pmHi Mark, thanks for your input and participation mate, as well as your support throughout the Group Shred. Very good advice about keeping the endgame in sight too man.Shred on!
  6. Comment by Adam Waters on November 10, 2008 9:58 pmG’day Nick, great to see another Aussie shredding hard! You have gotten off to a flyer mate with your perfect record of daily accountability. I look forward to seeing your continued progress mate.Shred on!
  7. Comment by Adam Waters on November 10, 2008 10:01 pmHI Suzette, thank you for all your support over the last 2 years (and these 14 days). When you speak people listen because you come from a place of experience and knowing. Your results speak for themselves, especially your GS comparison pics from 1 year ago. I look forward to shredding with you in SS 2.0!
  8. Comment by Adam Waters on November 10, 2008 10:03 pmG’day Ron, it is awesome to see you still going strong with daily accountability, and providing huge support to all other Shredders over the last 14 days. I’m sure you will hit your goals of increased muscle mass because you are so dedicated man!Shred on!
  9. Comment by mikegroom on November 10, 2008 10:23 pmGreat job with M5 mate! I’m sorry I couldn’t take part in the group shred (missed the last one too!), but I’m making up for it with my own 28 day shred now! You have inspired me to go hard at it for 28 days!Your pics say it all mate, you have achieved a great physique and it is down to your consistency and determination to get the job done. Shred on man!
  10. Comment by Andrew on November 10, 2008 11:52 pmHey Adam,Congrats mate on the successful completion of M5. I wish I could ahve been in the seconf 14 days group shred as I loved the first but alas I was on vacation this time around. Like Mike though I’m on my own 8 week mission to revitalise myself.Congrats to all the other 2.0 group shreddars.Take care…
  11. Comment by Danny on November 11, 2008 12:34 amHey Adam.GS 2.0 was one hell of a ride. I myself reached several milestones, including my PAST test and my lost weight and bodyfat percentage ever.I am sure that without the new Group Shred, i would have fallen into a temporary exile again and not have taken pictures again for a long while.Everyone seems to be increadibly empowered by the experience, and everyones pics show great improvement.Congratulations on finishing the 2 years of shredding and mission 5 of course.There is a very vivble ammount of muscle increase. And as for your legs, its a humongous change frrom your before and after pictures.

    Ill deffinetely go on the next 30 days with the momentum i have gained from this.

    Shred on bud


  12. Comment by Brian on November 11, 2008 1:05 amI am greatful for the gift of friends to lean on. This experience has made me realise that the body is capable of doing anything you ask it to. I have had the honor of being apart of a movement. Without this group shred, I probably would have waited until i was completely healed. This experience has helped heal me. By this I mean, my recovery has accelerated. The good eating and excercise has helped me. Thank you to all of my family. I will always consider the Shreddersphere as my family. A special thanks to my mentor and hero Adam Waters!
  13. Comment by Diane on November 11, 2008 1:35 amAdam, hats off..take a bow on successfully completing yet another mission! You live what you preach and your body is the evidence…can’t argue with that my friend!This shred was what I needed to give me an edge…to move from A to B and overcome any form of stagnation.This community does that…keeps me accountable, focus, motivated, and challenged.Posting pic wasn’t as tough as I thought…only missed one day. I’m in for the next 30 days, as my focus is on reaching my goal by Dec 31st.Thanks again…you’re my 110% inspiration in the arena of fitness!
  14. Comment by Jason on November 11, 2008 3:51 amThis group shred was incredible! I have never been so dedicated to a weight loss program as I have the last couple of weeks. There is nothing like the positive pressure this community puts on you. With this being the best thing I have ever done for my body, I can’t think of anything I would change. You have started a great thing here Adam! And what an awesome transformation you’ve made! Not just since day 1,but continually through the whole 2 years. You are definitely an inspiration for us all.
  15. Comment by Lynda on November 11, 2008 4:01 amAdam, what can I say? You have reached a new height of perfection, and with your Mission 5, it´s almost perfect! You are the best teacher ever showing us all how to do it, and more importantly, it CAN BE DONE. GS 1.0 was life-changing for me, and gave me the push to get going, and I did. GS 2.0 was a little harder, in that my life is way too full right now. I did do i t, tried my best, and now I have a eating plan and cardio plan worked out and in place. I definitely will do the upcoming 30-day Shred, and will try to make it my best. With your help and example, I´ve got it in the bag!Thanx for everything you have done for us, and for me especially!Lynda
  16. Comment by Lilla on November 11, 2008 5:25 amYou look great Adam! No doubt you’ve nailed the sixer!GS 2.0 added the extra excitement I need to push harder. Knowing that we were all working towards the same goal and each day looking forward to “visiting” my fellow shredders and witnessing their progress is very motivating. The whole group was wonderful – very helpful and encouraging. Looking forward to what the future holds!p.s. It was my pleasure showing you around NJ and helping out with the SB mission. :)
  17. Comment by buffedstuff on November 11, 2008 8:49 amAdam you are one man that knows how to get his shred on! I admire your hard work , devotion and dedication. I hope and pray that your future is filled with all the good things that our journey on earth has to offer. Be blessed and keep making your dreams a reality.
  18. Comment by Nick on November 11, 2008 4:22 pmThanks heaps adam, I’m having a blast! And btw, YOUR LEGS ARE LOOKIN’ AWESOME! Massive amount of progress in only a couple of months :) Keep it up man, you’re providing some serious inspiration.N
  19. Comment by Bob on November 12, 2008 5:08 amReceive all my respect for this 2years completed!Bob
  20. Comment by Lilla on November 12, 2008 5:28 amHas anyone read RTP Module 1 yet?WOW – I think it’s amazing!! I’ve never read a “fitness” book that was such an honest “slap in th face” account of the first step in a physique transformation and it has nothing to do with training and nutrition facts yet. I thought the personal accounts were so riveting. Especially the ‘home invasion’ – it was a page turner. It’s really good juicy stuff! Looking forward to Mod 2. SO glad I joined in on Group Shred 2.0! Thanks Ad!
  21. Comment by Debbie on November 12, 2008 9:34 amAdam, you looked RIPPED! A six pack if I’ve ever seen one. Ccongratulations on your 2 year anniversary. Your dedication is awe inspiring.I was floundering a bit before Group Shred 2.0 but am now dedicated once again. My advice would be to never give up if a program doesn’t seem to work for you but also stay on one long enough to be sure. Don’t get distracted easily. There are too many programs out there that contradict each other. It takes time to see results. If you’re certain one isn’t right for you, then move on but never quit.
  22. Comment by Suzette on November 12, 2008 9:37 amAdam, Loved Module 1! It really speaks volumes to “live through” experiences in life that bring us to where we are now. I can see now already that your RTP System will truly be a life changing experience for those who read it and apply your techniques!I’ll second the “so glad I joined in on group shred 2.0!”
  23. Comment by angie on November 12, 2008 3:42 pmHey Adam just read module 1 and loved it. I am going to go back to it when ever I feel I can’t do something or think I am going to give up. you are a true inspiration. I’ll agree with every one else that said they were glade to have joined the group shred 2.0 it is what I needed to get back on track I am not there 100% yet but each day I get that one step closer. Today I went to eat at a fast food resturant and normally would have gotten a diet drink but didn’t I got a fruit topia instead. Thanks for being a postative influence on so many of us. And congratulations on your 2 yrs of blogging that is so cool. Keep it up. I am at almost 100 days in my current mission and I am ready to step it up a notch.can’t wait to see what is coming next Angie
  24. Comment by Carlos on November 12, 2008 8:35 pmAdam,I just finished reading The RTP System Module 1.Once again I read this non-stop in one sitting. It is just so interesting.As I read through, what I have in mind are how this would impactothers. I think this is Excellent! Very early on you address somethingthat is of utmost importance. Dealing with what I call “Unfinished Business”

    I have never seen this articulated in such a concise way. BUT you don’t just

    identify the problem, you also offer a solution so those that are paralyzed

    by their Unfinished Business can resolve it and break away and move on to

    realizing their own Physique Transformation. But first things first. You are so

    right when you say that the best diet or training program are nigh useless

    until we deal with the failure demons It’s like failure prevention!

    This is what happens when we have the experience ourselves. And this is what gives

    you “license” to speak- you have been there many times, and now as a success, you are helping others to succed.

    You Cannot fail !

  25. Comment by mikegroom on November 12, 2008 9:14 pmAdam, Module 1 is awesome! So much so that it has made me take a long hard look at my own effort at a transformation. I know that the RTP System will be a huge success. Your ability to articulate what needs to be said is extraordinary. Such a concise document.
  26. Comment by Brian on November 13, 2008 12:01 amHey mate,I left a comment a couple of days ago, but I guess it didn’t take.I am pumped about this rtp system. Module 1 is great! I can wait to see the rest. Thank you for all of your hard work and effort that you put into this site and into us. You are a legend!
  27. Comment by Juli on November 13, 2008 4:58 amAdam, I am speechless! You look so great and did such a fantastic job in the last couple of weeks and months to motivate me to come back to sport, health and body-mind-soul-awareness. You are a real rolemodel. I am proud to be a SHredder.THAN YOU. You ROCK, really.Juli
  28. Comment by Adam Waters on November 15, 2008 12:31 amG’day Shredders, thank you very much for your honest and detailed feedback on Module 1 of the RTP Transformation System. I am very excited, and very humbled that you have taken the time to give me such great feedback.Over the last 5 days I have been hard at work “fine tuning” the rest of the Modules to ensure the highest quality standard possible. The participating Group Shredders will receive a link to Module 2 in a matter of minutes.On another note, I will resume posting on Saturday (tomorrow). It has been a very hectic few days doing work for the Japanese TV show, collecting my boxes from the Port of Brisbane, attending to some long neglected houshold tasks, preparing ShredderSphere 2.0 and fine tuning the other Modules.Thank you again and I look forward to shredding in real time with you again very soon.

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