Mission Control

Welcome to RTP Mission Control! This page displays the Missions I have completed since rebooting this blog in 2021. The Missions are listed in chronological order. I have completed a total of eight Missions up to August 10, 2023. Missions 1-4 operated under my “daily accountability”system. For Missions 5-8 I have transitioned to “weekly accountability.” 

On the last day of each Mission I have a series of “Judgement Day” Challenges where I test myself on the fundamentals. That is, running, swimming, push-ups, chin-ups and hanging leg raises. In addition, each Mission (after M1) has a specific skill or sport focus. For Mission 2 it was surfing, for Mission 3 it was competing in a triathlon, and Mission 4 was shooting under 100 for 18 holes in golf!

Mission 1: 2021

Sports: Running and Swimming

Accountability: Daily Pictures/Points
Physique Goal: Fat Loss
 Program: RTP HyperShred
Duration: Aug 10, 2021 - Nov 1, 2021
Status: Completed (97.6% Compliance)

Note: DEXA Bodyfat Scan Results:
Day 15: Aug 24, 2021 - 36.4% 
Day 99: Nov 16, 2021 - 27.6%

Mission 1: Day 1/Day 84 Blog Posts

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Mission 1: Judgement Day Challenges

5km Run : Time 39:05
250m Swim: Time 9:33

Mission 2: 2021

New Sport: Surfing

Accountability: Daily Pictures/Points
Physique Goal: Fat Loss
Program: RTP Transformation System

Duration: Nov 8, 2021 – Jan 30, 2022
Status: Completed (97.9% Compliance)

Mission 2: Day 1/Day 84 Blog Posts

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Mission 2: Judgement Day Challenges

New Sport Goal: Surf Stand-Up
Status: Unsucessful On Day 174
(Successful on Day 173!)

[the-post-grid id=”7448″ title=”M2 Surfing Day 98 174″]

Judgement Day Challenges: Fundamentals

5km Run
: Time 33:07
(M1 Time 39:05)
250m Swim: Time 8:02 
(M1 Time 9:33)

Push-Ups: 10
Chin-Ups: 2

Mission 2: Judgment Day Challenge Videos

Mission 3: 2022

New Sport: Triathlon

Accountability: Daily Pictures/Points
Physique Goal: Strength Gain

Program: Strong 5x5
Duration: Feb 7, 2022 - May 1, 2022
Status: Complete (95.2% Compliance)

Note: InBody Bioimpedance Bodyfat Scans

16.2% on Day 180 (05/Feb/2022)
14.5% on Day 278 (14/May/2022)

Mission 3: Day 1/Day 84 Blog Posts

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Mission 3 Event Challenges - Triathlon

[the-post-grid id="6685" title="Mission 3 Tri Links"]

Mission 3: Judgement Day Challenges

5km Run: 29:18

(M2 Time 33:07/M1 Time: 39: 05)
250m Swim: 7:30
(M2 Time 8:03/M1 Time 9:33)

Push-Ups: 22
(M2 Push-ups 12)
Chin-Ups: 5
(M2 Chin-ups 2)
Hanging Leg Raises: 8

Mission 3: Judgment Day Challenge Videos

Mission 3: Strength Gains on Squat

Mission 4: 2022

New Sport: Golf 

Accountability: Daily Pictures/Points
Physique Goal: Lean With Definition
Program: Metabolic Surge (Modified)

Duration: May 18, 2022 – Aug 9, 2022
Status: Complete (95.4% compliance)

Mission 4: Day 1 (Day 84) Blog Posts

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Mission 4: Judgement Day Challenge

New Sport: Golf
Shoot under 100 for 18 holes
(Unable to complete due to wrist injury, but did get a par on my first game back, seen below!)

M5 Judgment Day Fundamentals
*Not completed due to flu and other ailments.

Mission 5: 2022

New Sport: Sailing 

Accountability: Weekly Pictures/Points
Physique Goal: Strength for Sailing
Training Program: Strong 5x5
Duration: Aug 16, 2022 - Nov 7, 2022
Status: Completed at 79.0% Compliance

Note: A persistent wrist injury dogged me for the whole Mission. 

Mission 5: Day 1/84 Blog Posts

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Mission 5: Judgement Day Challenges

New Sport: Sailing
Pass The "Laser Dinghy" Open Water Test

Not completed due to reccurence of injuries, sailing on a catarmaran instead.

*M5 Judgment Day Challenges: Not Completed Due to Wrist and Knee Injuries

Mission 6: 2022

Sport: Triathlon  (Two Events)

Accountability: Weekly Pictures/Points
Physique Goal: Lean Out
Training Program: RTP HyperShred
Duration: Nov 15, 2022 – Feb 6, 2023
Status: Completed 39.0% Compliance
Note: With my wrist in a splint I was unable to train.

Mission 6: Weekly Blog Posts

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Mission 6: Judgement Day Challenges

Sport: Two Triathlon Events
Robina Triathlon: January 8, 2023 (Not Completed)
Caloundra Triathlon: February 5, 2023 (Not Completed)

Mission 7: 2023

Sport: Triathlon 

Accountability: Weekly Pictures/Points
Physique Goal: Lean Out
Training Program: RTP HyperShred
Duration: Feb 14, 2023 - May 7, 2023
Status: Completed at 89.6% compliance.
Note: First Mission back after wrist injury.

Mission 7: Day 1/84

Mission 8: 2023

Accountability: Weekly Pictures/Points
Physique Goal: Lean With Definition
Program: Hybrid

Duration: May 18, 2023 – Aug 9, 2023
Status: Complete (96.6% compliance)

Mission 8: Day 1/84

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Mission 8: Judgement Day Challenges

 M8 5km Run: 28:59

(M3 Time 29:18/M2 Time 33:07/M1 Time: 39: 05)
M8 250m Swim: 7:31
(M3 Time 7:30/M2 Time 8:03/M1 Time 9:33)

M8 Push-Ups: 31 
(M3 Push-ups 22/M2 Push-ups 12)
M8 Chin-Ups: 7
(M3 Chin-ups 7/M2 Chin-ups 2)
M8 Hanging Leg Raises: 5
M3 HLR 8