Day 42: My 6 Week Body Transformation!

my 6 week body transformation
Day 42 of 84 – December 20th 2006

Even though I am on a 12 week program I am declaring this half-way mark a 6 week body transformation! I think it makes it seem more official! All jokes aside I am absolutely ecstatic about my results over the last 6 weeks.

After so many years of trying (and failing) to get back into shape it is in many ways a relief to make it this far. I remember thinking many times over the years that maybe I was doomed to stay overweight. I could just never seem to get any traction. Little did I know then that daily accountability (and the positive pressure it creates) could be such a powerful method for body transformation.

As you can see from the before and after pictures above I am even wearing the same blue shorts I did on Day 1 (not the weird coloured tights I wear on most days!). I find it easier to compare my progress when I am wearing the same attire.

The “Positive Pressure” Is Now On!

So, while I am happy with my 6 week transformation I now feel the pressure to make a TOTAL body transformation. Like what is the point in doing this real time accountability blog if I don’t really go for it?!

So, what constitutes success for me over the next 42 days? Well, first on my agenda is destroying the “pooch” that has been a permanent fixture on my stomach for last 6 years. It will take a lot of effort but the equation is quite simple: retain lean mass and continue to drop body fat. I can see my middle abs starting to poke through but I’m thinking I have to be under 10% body fat for my whole mid-section to really “pop.”

Next on my list is increasing the muscularity in my legs, they have been a bit slow to respond to my weight training. I’ll have to increase the intensity, especially on squats and deadlifts. I’m happy with my upper body and arms, they seem to respond well and quite quickly.

Will I Get My Birthday Cake Reward?

I desire to eat a big, fat “guilt-free” chocolate birthday cake on February 1st 2007 (one day after my 12 week challenge finishes) while holding a six-pack of abs. This will be pure heaven for me! It will be my reward for all the diet sacrifices I have so far made (and yet to make).

As I said a few days ago in my “How To Use Visualization” post, I can already see the six-pack I desire. I meditate and stare at it everyday when I wake up and before I go to bed. I am implanting in my mind the thought that I already have it, it has already happenned. Here it is below if you missed it before.

Today’s Training

Well, that is the story so far on my 6 week body transformation. On to today’s training, I did a boxercise session in the morning consisting of skipping, speedbag and punching bag work. In the evening I went off to my local gym for HIIT cardio on the treadmill and 10 laps of a 25m pool. The treadmill cardio was a personal best for me.

I did 3 cycles of 1 minute intervals for 6, 12, 14 and 16 km/h, on the 4th cycle I went 6, 12 and 2 minutes 10 seconds on 16 km/h. I was very happy when it was over!

Adam Waters

P.S. Below are side and back pics of my 6 week body transformation.

6 week body transformation
Day 42 of 84 – December 20th 2006
6 week body transformation
Day 42 of 84 – December 20th 2006

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