Day 199: Hit By The 3 O’Clock Wall!

G’day, It is not a good sign when you are nodding off when driving on a…

Day 188 Video: Weekly Results – 1.5 kg Weight Gain, What Is Happening?!

G’day, Well, not a great start to Mission 3! I put on 1.5 kg this week,…

Day 183: M3 False Start?

G’day, Today was definitely one of “those” days. I started the day with only five hours…

Day 171: 17K Steps But No Workout

G’day, Well today was another docked point for missing my workout. I kinda feel like I’m…

Day 168: Monday-training-itis!

G’day, Five months ago I wouldn’t have thought it was possible to do 17k steps in…

Day 164: Queensland…Beautiful One Day, Pouring Rain The Next!?

G’day, My home state of Queensland used to have the tourism tag line, “Beautiful one day,…

Day 156: No Training Today…Is My Motivation Waning?

G’day, Today was the first day during this Mission where I dealt myself a double whammy.…

Day 154: Run Off My Feet…But No Run!

G’day, Oh my Goodness, what a day! I was up at 5am for my work and…

Day 151: My Weight Is Barely Moving!

Day 150: Another Tough Day At The Office!

G’day, Today was another “one of those days” at work. I was absolutely run off my…

Day 149: Big Step Count But Missed Run!

G’day, Today was one of those days at work. We were four men down so I…

Day 128: I’ve Done My Knee…Mission Impossible?

G’day, Well…it finally happened, the day I thought may come is here. I have seriously injured…