Day 347: I’m On Japanese TV!


Wow! What a job this turned out to be!

A full 7 days after the NHK Japanese TV Network, aired a 5-minute profile on my weight loss journey I now finally have it ready for online viewing.

As I discussed yesterday I am not a video professional. It took me quite a long time to figure out the steps to convert a raw TV signal to a compressed video format suitable for web viewing. As this file is “video heavy” it has to be in the smaller 320×240 format, otherwise it would take ages to load!

Ok, enough with the build-up, here is the video below…

What Do You Think!?

Would you believe that segment was edited down from 4 hours filming! Also, even though the hosts are laughing a little in the studio, it’s in good spirits!

To be honest, I’m also happy that people who visit this blog can finally see that I am a “real person”. I really do take daily pictures, eat clean and work out to get the results I have gotten so far.

Before I sign off I’ll just post a few screen capture images of the video in case you are too busy to watch the actual clip.

In the gym.

Eating clean!

Taking a daily picture.

Checking out my blog!

NHK also used two of my videos:
84 Days In 48 Seconds
& 180 Days In 18 Seconds

Let’s Do A “Group Shred”!

Ok, now the “fun stuff” is over I’m gonna knuckle down and shred as hard as I can for the next 18 days so I can cap off this year on a high note. Mission 3 aint over yet!

This will be my primary focus for the next 18 days. Are you gonna join me in “real-time” for the next 18 days? Let’s do a “group shred” and hold each accountable by starting/completing our pre-determined missions!

If you are up to the challenge go to my Day 323 Blog Post: Are You Game? to learn more about how you can harness the power of “real-time” accountability with me and other RTP VIP Dedicated Bloggers.

Until tomorrow…

Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!

Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT

P.S. I promise I will tell you the story of how my unreleased video, 180 Days In 18 Seconds wound up on national TV soon!

P.S.S. As Sunday is usually my rest day I don’t take daily pics on these days. However, I’ll be back tomorrow to practice “real-time” accountability for the next 17 days straight

7 thoughts on “Day 347: I’m On Japanese TV!

  1. Awesome man, nice to see you working out in the gym rather than sat infront of the of the web cam ;-)))

    Hey I wish you the most success over the next 18 days. My blog will be about 40 days old when you hit your year and I hope I will be well on my way to completing my goal as successfully as you.

    Take care,


  2. Awesome video. you couldn’t help but smile the whole time! I don’t know a single bit of japanese but it was fun to watch!
    I just can’t resist your “18 Day Challenge”. I have been going back and forth on it but I feel I need to do this to “prove” that with determination and desire one can accomplish whatever they put their mind to without excuses for not doing it. I can think of lots of reasons(excuses) not to. I know there are lots of working mothers(even single mothers/fathers) who need someone to look to and say, if she can do it, so can I. If you want it bad enough you will do whatever it takes to get it done!

  3. Loved the video. My favorite part is the walk to take your photo in front of the infamous blue curtain. I’m trying to figure out how in my condition I can take you up on this 18 day challenge. I’ll figure out. But I’m in. BTW, my sister told me my hoodie arrived in LA. She loved your logo, and thinks it’s super cute. I have a sneaking suspicion she’s already wearing it.

  4. Awesome Andrew, you can really hit some critical mass by the Day 40 mark. I know it was a real turning point for me.

    Shred Hard!

    Adam Waters

  5. Hi Suzette, if anybody can do it, its you! You have displayed the dedication and drive necessary with your commitmment to “real-time blogging”.

    Shred Hard,

    Adam Waters

  6. Hi Christy, would you believe that NHK never told me to do that or anything else by the way! They just said do what you usually do…so I did!

    Great to hear you (or your sister!) has your Hoodie, will your sister be sending it to you?

    Adam Waters

  7. It’s too warm here in the Philippines for the hoodie (and pricey to post over). So, I’ll wait to use it when I’m back in Los Angeles for Christmas. BTW, are you gonna put those life-sized poster boards for sale in the RTP store? lol I think the lady broadcaster may have taken the best ones home. 😉

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