RTP Reboot: Highlights 2021/22/23/24

Day 1 Video: Appetite for Reconstruction

Believe it or not, I am right now 40 kg (88 lbs) heavier than my “before” picture from my original Mission 1 in 2006!...

Day 84 Video: Mission 1 Complete – 43 Pounds Down

G’day, After 10 long years of trying to get my health and fitness back on track I can proudly report that I have officially dropped 19.9 kgs (43.8 lbs) in…...

Day 174: Videos Of M2 Judgement Day Challenges

G’day, This is becoming a tradition now! Back in the day I’d usually celebrate a Mission completion with something “sweet”, like a chocolate cake or even a holiday! This time…...

Day 200 Video: Down 37.1 kg (81.7 lbs)

G’day, Yay! 200 days down and 165 to go! When I first rebooted my blog on August 10, 2021 my stated goal was to practice 365 days of daily accountability.…...

Day 209 Video: The Date My Daily Accountability Blog Will End (and Triathlon Training With My Bro!)

G’day, In this week’s accountability video I discuss the following: – My first week of training for the upcoming Gold Coast Triathlon. – How open water swimming is so much…...

Day 215: Endurance Is Up..But Surf Is Down!

G’day, Today I learned I should check the surf report before heading to the beach! After getting an early morning run (my best time over 3.9 km) I drove down…...

Day 243 Video: First Time Squatting My Body Weight Since 2009!

G’day, I’m not sure if it was a coincidence but this morning I weighed in at exactly 85.0kg and was also due to move up to 85 kg on the…...

Day 271: Gold At The Byron Bay Triathlon!

G’day, My first Gold Medal! Turns out after completing the Byron Bay Triathlon yesterday was the top placed bloke in the 45-49 category for the “Tempta” Tri (300m swim, 10km…...

Day 309 Video: My First Par In 20 Years!

G’day, What a momentous day! I not only played my first game of golf in 20 years, I also got my first par in 24 years! The strange this is…...

Day 327 Video: New Bench Press PB – 8 Reps at 60kg!

G’day, Today was another active Saturday! I got in my morning HIIT on the treadmill (topping out at 14.6 km/hr) and then went to Emerald Lakes for my 5th golf…...

Day 392: De Quervain tenosynovitis!

Mission 5: Week 3 Results. G’day, As you can see from the title of my blog post and the pic I finally got a diagnosis on my wristDe Quervain tenosynovitis!…...

Day 455: Mission 5 Ends! Injuries, Absence, Sailing…and A Silver Lining?

G’day, An inner voice has been bugging me for the last six weekswith good reason!  This voice has basically been saying, “Bro, what’s the deal? Are you gonna get back…...

Day 730 Video: 2 Years Of Real Time Accountability!

On August 10, 2021 I had a crazy idea”How about I reboot my blog and aim for two years of real time accountability!” Even crazier, here I am on Day 730!...

Day 748: 14 Years Later…My Skinny Jeans Fit Me Again!

G’day, With my first week complete on Mission 9 I weighed in at 81.3 kg (179.5 lbs) this morning. This means I am now only 1.4 kgs away from my…...

Day 845: Losing 100 lbs!

The day I dreamed of (and many times thought would never come) has finally arrived!...

RTP Original: Highlights 2006-09

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