Day 998: Sarah’s Stunning 84 Day Body Transformation


Today I another amazing body transformation to share with you, Sarah from the U.K has shredded massive! Check out her results below.

  “Adam Has Created Something Very Special – EVERYTHING You Need For A Successful Body Transformation”

On the 19 April 2009 I received an email from Tom Venuto that set me on a path that has dramatically changed my life. The email led me to Adam Waters’ astonishing ’84 days in 48 seconds’ transformation video, his blog and the RTP Transformation System.

I had lost who I was and felt like I was slowly dying inside. Adam and Tom combined in that email and blog were the lifebelt that stopped me from going under. Maybe that sounds a little dramaticto you but I can assure you that is how bleak things felt.

That lifebelt has allowed me to rediscover my self-confidence and I believe in myself again.I’m in control of my life and am no longer the sad fat girl I was when I got started – I am a completely different person both on the outside AND the inside!

Dealing with the mental and emotional elements, alongside the physical and nutritional, and combining them with the power of online accountability, support and friendship from others who are following the same programme, Adam has created something very special – EVERYTHING you need for a successful and true transformation.

The only reason you won’t transform your body with RTP is because you decided not to do it! Adam, I set out purely looking to change my physical appearance and when I bought RTP I had no idea that I was going to get so much more than I bargained for!I will always be indebted to you and can’t thank you enough for
your continued support and commitment.

Warmest regards,

Sarah Kensington,
Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Stay tuned for the next featured “RTP Transformer” tomorrow, you’ll be blown away by his story of transformation (and his after pictures!)

Here is my Day 998 M6 pic, only two days to go until I hit 1k!

Until tomorrow…

 Eat Clean, Shred Hard, Think BIG!


NYC Summit Real Time Attendance Update:

Confirmed NYC Summit Shredders: 52 ‘Sphere Members
Shredder United States Locations: 14 Different US States
Shredder International Locations: 7 Different Countries

IMPORTANT: The NYC Shredder Summit is only open to RTP Transformation System customers who are documenting their physique transformation journeys inside ShredderSphere 2.0, and hit a minimum CAPS (Cumulative Accountability Compliance Score) of 90% for their designated “Shred Mission.”

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