Day 3: Calm Before The Lactic Acid Training Storm!

lactic acid training day 3 real time physique blog
Day 3 of 84 accountability pics for November 10,2006.


Today is quite literally the calm before the storm as tomorrow I will do my first “Lactic Acid Training” session! This type of training is a core component of the Metabolic Surge program I am following for the duration of my 84-day Mission 1.

What Is Lactic Acid Training?

Lactic Acid Training is a high-rep, short rest-period workout around 50 minutes in length. It is designed to stimulate growth and enhance the neuromuscular connection by forcing you to operate at or near your lactic threshold.

The Surge specific Lactic Acid workout calls for 20 plus reps on the first set (most likely at 50% of your 1 rep max), a 20 second rest period, followed by maximum effort reps for the remaining sets (all at the same weight and all with 20 second rest periods).

Lactic Acid Plus Fasted Cardio!

If this high-intensity training wasn’t enough I’ll also be doing a session of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) tomorrow morning on an empty stomach. I first learned about fasted cardio from Bill Phillips in the Body For Life book and I got some good results with it.

On the nutrition front I am also continuing with my “Low-Carb” nutrition plan for another 2 days before I switch over to two “Single Nutrient” days. According to Nick Nilsson (author of Metabolic Surge) there is apparently a method to this HIIT plus Lactic Acid Training madness!

I guess the proof (or lack thereof) will be soon be in the pudding!

Until tomorrow,

Adam Waters

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