Day 688: Down 4 lbs This Week…Momentum Building?

G’day, This was my biggest “result week” for a long time! After putting on a little…

Day 623: Weight Loss Plateau Then Sudden Drop!

G’day, What an interesting week…a sudden drop in weight and body fat after being in a…

Day 345: Woah…4.8 lbs Down In One Day!

G’day, I feel like my body has bungee jumped down a great ravine…and sprung back up…

Day 205: Big Weight Loss Drop…While Aiming For Maintenance!

G’day, When I don’t want it to drop…it drops huge! Like 1.8 kg (3.9 lbs) in…

Day 201: A Triple “No Way” Day!

G’day, Three times today I said to myself, “No way, that can’t be real!”  The first…

Day 194: My Biggest Overnight Weight Drop Yet!

G’day, Well this one is a bit of a head scratcher…a day after saying weight loss…

Day 166: Big Weight Drop Overnight…3 lbs!

G’day, Today I’ll discuss something I haven’t talked about in a while…my actual weight! I spent…

Day 104 Video: Down 6 lbs This Week!

G’day, A quiet day today on the scales (I still haven’t cracked double digits!) and outside,…

Day 14: Week 2 Results (Including Video)

G’day, Well, that was kinda mind-blowing…my scale this morning read 120.2 Kg at 25.1% bodyfat! This…

Day 13: What Is Going on?

G’day Yesterday I talked about my “slight” frustration at my weight remaining stagnant in the face…

Day 10: No Way!

So I hopped on the scales this morning and my immediate reaction was dismay…”after such a…

Day 3: A Big Drop in Weight But Bodyfat Unchanged!

G’day, Today I saw another big drop in my raw weight. Today I went down another…